Bible Book: Revelation / Openbaring
Chapter: 3
Verse: 7
Verse (to): 13
Text: Revelation 3:7-13
Many explanations have been given for the “open door” of verse 8. The meaning of the door that Christ unlocks and no man can lock again has been given, amongst others, as:
a missionary opportunity (comp 1 Co 16:9 & 1 Co 2:12);
access to the Messianic community;
a reference to Christ Himself (comp John 17:7);
the door of prayer that stands open for believers;
a missionary opportunity (comp 1 Co 16:9 & 1 Co 2:12);
access to the Messianic community;
a reference to Christ Himself (comp John 17:7);
the door of prayer that stands open for believers;
Rev 3:8 reminds me of two declarations before and after this section. In Rev 1:17b-18 we read, “Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last. I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.” In Rev 5:9 it also says, “You (the Lamb) are worthy to take the scroll and to open the seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.”
Christ is the Victor who has risen from the grave and He is the Lamb who unlocks history. That is why He can give the small, weak church in Philadelphia an open door, even though He warns them that “an hour of trial” will come upon the whole world (3:10).
The Church of Christ in this city that has been struck by earthquakes, where they have been banned from the synagogue and where they were approaching times of terrible hardship, still has an open door because Christ conquered death and holds history in his hand.
The extent and impact of the AIDS pandemic can easily give Christians, communities and churches the feeling that the road ahead is blocked by a wall of problems and suffering. But even under these circumstances we may hold onto Rev 3:8. In situations where we feel stuck Christ, who conquered death and opens up history, can unlock a door for his disciples. When Christ unlocks a door for us, nothing and no-one can lock it again.
May the Lord touch our eyes of faith, so that we will see all the open doors in this time of HIV and AIDS, and enter.
Author: N du Toit (Ds)
Language: English