Submitted by Visitor (not verified) on Tue, 08/12/2009 – 15:22
Bible Book: Luke / Lukas
Chapter: 7
Verse: 36 – 50
Teks: Lukas 7:36-50

Dis maklik om ander te oordeel en blind te wees vir jou eie sonde

‘n Preek oor Lukas 7:36-50 wat ek op die Internet gevind het, bevat ‘n merkwaardige inleiding wat die probleem van die Fariseër se houding teenoor die vrou wat Jesus se voete met haar trane gewas het, helder na vore bring. Dit vertel ‘n storie wat gedurende die sestiger jare van die vorige eeu moes afgespeel het. Ek kon nie die betroubaarheid van die storie bevestig nie en het daarom die naam van die persoon verander. Ek haal die prediker aan:

“.. Dan’s first call was to Seoul, Korea. … He was an enthusiastic young pastor and he was enthusiastic about his first job at a church in Seoul, Korea. Dan was going to be a missionary in Seoul, Korea, but he was going to have a very specialized ministry in that he was going to minister to the street prostitutes of Seoul. So he went to work with these prostitutes in Seoul and he worked for seven years and he did not have one conversion. Can you imagine working in a garden for seven years and not having anything grow? Can you imagine working with your plants for seven years and none of them bear fruit?

And after seven years, it finally happened, and God got through to the heart of…Dan. You see, Dan had been working with the prostitutes but he felt that he was one, two, or three cuts above them. He felt that he was a little spiritually superior. Dan had this quality where he maximized everybody else’s faults and minimized his own. He would bring other people’s sins into focus with his giant microscope but he would blur and minimize his own sins. He had clarity about every body else’s problems but he was blind to his own. And so God finally got through to Dan’s heart and eyes and Dan started to see these people not so much as sinners but as people sinned against. These young prostitutes were young girls who had been sold into slavery by their fathers.”

Veertig jaar na hierdie gebeure vertel die Vigspandemie steeds hartseer verhale van houdings van veroordeling sonder begrip vir mense se omstandighede.

Om oor na te dink (of te bespreek): Kan jy dink aan voorbeelde waar jy houdings wat met dié van Simon, die Fariseër, vergelyk, openbaar het?

Author: N du Toit (Ds)
Language: Afrikaans