Submitted by Lyn on Thu, 11/10/2012 – 09:06
Year B (2011-2012)
Bible Book: Amos
Chapter: 5
Verse: 6 – 15
Without the authority of government in society, everything would fall apart; the strong would enslave the weak and the rich would exploit the poor.
For this reason God established human government; to ensure that righteousness and justice prevail in societies, to ensure that governments set righteousness and justice as the pillars that hold up the societies.
But things worked differently in the Prophet Amos’ days. The fabric of justice had been destroyed, causing pervasive corruption “in the gates,” the place where justice was administered.
Justice was so perverted that it was like wormwood, a herb known for its bitter taste.
Instead of the courts being the places of justice, where the poor and the oppressed could find relief, they had become places of greed and injustice.
The rulers turned the law against those that were innocent in the land. The poor were oppressed and robbed, and the just were afflicted.
God knew what these wealthy exploiters were doing, just as he knows what we are doing today. Though he appeared to be unconcerned, he would judge these evil doers in due time.
As the prophet Amos was the champion of the poor and the oppressed in those days, Christians should do the same in these days of HIV and AIDS. Our country is now full of the orphans and widows caused by HIV and AIDS, and there are some organisations that are taking advantage of the situation. They ask for donations in the name of these poor and helpless people, but use the funds for their own benefit.
Christians see this but do nothing about it. These Christians have forgotten that they are the salt of the earth, that is supposed to prevent corruption. They have forgotten that they are the light of the earth, that is supposed to expose corruption and fight for transparency. Christians should speak for those who cannot speak for themselves; they should be the eyes and ears of the government and report any type of corruption.
To think about: Dear brother/sister in Christ, as an individual, you may not accomplish much. But look around you, there are organisations that are fighting for the needy, the innocent, the sick and the widows (including those affected by HIV and AIDS). Join them and be part of the fighting team. And remember; Religion that God accepts as pure and without fault is this: caring for orphans and widows who need help, and keeping yourself free from the world’s evil influence. (James 1:27).
May God bless and give you strength as you continue to work for justice!
Author: Rampai, P (Ms)
Language: English