Submitted by Visitor (not verified) on Fri, 08/04/2011 – 11:38
Year A (2010-2011)
Bible Book: John / Johannes
Chapter: 11
Verse: 1 – 45

In John 11 Jesus hears that Lazarus is ill. .. This was the friend whom Jesus loved, yet he did not travel to Bethany to prevent him from dying. It is not because Jesus did not care. Rather He wanted the resurrection of Lazarus from the dead to glorify God – verse 14, so that all may believe.

Lazarus subsequently dies from his illness. When Jesus arrives in Bethany he comes along side and weeps with the mourners. He is touched by the sorrow and the love for Lazarus and is filled with compassion, even though Jesus knows Lazarus will be resurrected from dead.

Jesus stands by the tomb where Lazarus has been buried for four days, the stone sealing the entrance is removed and he commands, “Lazarus, come out!”

Lazarus is resurrected from the dead and walks free.

In sub-Saharan Africa today, a phenomenon known as the Lazarus Effect is taking place on a daily basis…

Do we have the right to judge which life is worth saving? Through his compassion and actions Jesus told us ‘that which we do for the least of these, we do for Him.’

In John 11, we saw Jesus come alongside those who mourned. He showed compassion. He brought Lazarus back from the dead.

Today it is our turn. We can make the Lazarus Effect a symbol of our time, the great moral legacy of our generation.

When he resurrected Lazarus from the dead, Jesus set us a model we have to imitate. He asks us to explore whether there is anything that can be restored, can we help deliver hope, hope for the children, the grandparents, he asks us to restore community. He asks us to be compassionate – to come alongside, to morn and to sympathize, just as he did.”

To think about or discuss: “When the years have faded and we have all gone and our grandchildren ask, ‘What did they do?’ what do we want the answer to be?”

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This message is an abstract from the reflection written by Princess Kasune Zulu.

Author: (Unknown)
Language: English