Submitted by Jan on Tue, 27/02/2018 – 10:41
Fourth Sunday in Lent
Year B (2017-2018)
Bible Book: John
Chapter: 3
Verse: 14 – 21
This is about the ultimate price, paid because of our sins so that we may have life. So that God could demonstrate the great love God has for us.
Jesus was the only Son of God. I ask myself if I could sacrifice my child, knowingly let him suffer for the sake of others. How did God feel knowing that he had to watch his son suffer – to a point where the son was pleading with him to change his mind, when he ask for the cup to be taken away from him. The most selfless act, in order to save us!
We are being asked for a moment to stop and deeply reflect on Gods great love that is mentioned in both Ephesians and the Gospel of John. The people asked Moses to pray to God, so that the snakes may go. Moses prayed and he was asked to make a snake of Bronze, so that when the people looked at it, they were healed from all their sins. In that moment they were reconciled with God. They would not have received the healing if they did not ask. We need to look at Jesus and ask for forgiveness so that we can also be reconciled with God. In the process we receive and acknowledge God’s great love for us.
As channels of hope, we need to bring this love that we have freely received to our communities, so that it can reduce the pain and suffering. We need to be the symbols of love, because as Christians we know what God has done for us while we were still sinners. So, we need to embrace all those facing hardship in our communities, without judgement.
Lent gives us a unique opportunity to reflect on Gods goodness and mercy, to ask God for forgiveness and share the love of God through giving love – and physical resources- to those we view as less privileged.
To think about:
Am I a symbol of God’s love?
Do I demonstrate God’s mercifulness to my community?
Written By: Ann Mary Gathigia, CEO, Mkono Wa Upendo Centre, Nyahururu, Kenya. Trained ‘Churches, Channel of Hope’ Facilitator.
Author: Gathigia A M (Ms)
Language: English