The following prayer is taken from these guidelines –
Heavenly Father,
in this country and in this time of HIV and AIDS, we call upon Thee.
We pray that your name be sanctified;
that where there is darkness, your children will bring light,
that where there is despair, your children will bring hope,
that where there is sadness, your children will comfort,
that where there is loneliness, your children will embrace.
From your hand, Father, we receive life anew each day.
Jesus our Saviour,
in this country and in this time of HIV and AIDS, we call upon Thee.
We pray that your kingdom will come.
Forgive us for being concerned only about ourselves.
Help us and our leaders to follow your example of justice, mercy and faithfulness;
so that we can overcome stigma and discrimination,
so that we become practically involved in need,
so that we will stand unashamedly with those among us affected by HIV and AIDS.
Christ, you are our Guide.
Holy Spirit, our Comforter,
in this country and in this time of HIV and AIDS, we call upon Thee.
We pray that your will be done.
Deliver us from indifference and carelessness, and give us hearts of flesh;
so that you can lead us, teach us and use us.
We pray for everyone who so desperately needs you.
Encourage each one who struggles with their health because of HIV,
Comfort each one suffering as a result of others’ lack of love,
strengthen each caregiver who may be tired,
help each one who in different ways try to combat this pandemic,
and give us and our children the wisdom to be responsible and act vigilant.
Thank you, that where you lead and we obey, you give peace and joy.
To think about or discuss: Is there something practical and positive that you could do around World AIDS Day?