Submitted by Visitor (not verified) on Fri, 04/12/2009 – 14:32
Bible Book: 1 Peter / 1 Petrus
Chapter: 1
Verse: 3 – 9
1 Peter 1:3-9
I think it is sufficient to quote two paragraphs from the commentary of the Life Application Study Bible (Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Wheaton, Illinois. 2004).
On verses 3-5:
“Do you need encouragement? Peter’s words offer joy and hope in times of trouble, and he bases his confidence on what God has done for us in Christ Jesus. We live in the wonderful expectation of eternal life (1:3). Our hope is not only for the future: eternal life begins when we trust Christ and join God’s family. God will help us remain true to our faith through whatever difficult times we must face. The “last day” is the judgment day of Christ described in Romans 14:10 and Revelation 20:11-15. No matter what trials or persecution you may face, your soul cannot be harmed if you have accepted Christ’s gift of salvation. You will receive the promised rewards.”
On verses 6, 7:
“ … Instead of asking, “Why me?” we should respond to suffering with a new set of responses: (1) Confidence that God knows, plans, and directs our lives for the good. It’s hard to calculate sometimes, but God always provides his love and strength for us. God leads us toward a better future. (2) Perseverance when facing grief, anger, sorrow and pain. We express our grief, but we don’t give in to bitterness and despair. (3) Courage because with Jesus as Brother and Saviour, we need not be afraid. He who suffered for us will not abandon us. Jesus carries us through everything.”
To think about (or discuss): What encouragement do you find in 1 Peter 1:3-9? Maybe you can share it with someone?
Author: N du Toit (Ds)
Language: English