Submitted by Visitor (not verified) on Mon, 07/12/2009 – 12:41
Bible Book: Ezekiel / Esegiel
Chapter: 37
Verse: 1 – 14
Ezekiel 37:1-14
Have you ever wondered in your HIV and Aids situation whether life could be viewed from a fresh perspective? Do you ever think about God’s promises of hope and restoration?
Most people who are living with or affected by HIV and Aids experience despair and hopelessness. People living with HIV and Aids may view their lives as drawing ever closer to the grave, while family members or friends struggle with anxiety, trying to cope with the emotions of their loved ones. They find themselves in a deep pit of despair, from which they are not able to escape.
In such a situation Ezekiel 37:1-14 provides us with a window of hope from which we can tap some strength. Ezekiel has earlier received a word of judgement in the valley (3:22-23), but now the word of hope is coming to him from that very same place (37:1). Israel’s situation is hopeless, as symbolised by the bones. The bones are many and dry (37:2), symbolising the whole community, which is beyond resuscitation through exile (37:11). The cemetery, where the graves are (37:12) is an indication of the total inability of Israel to save herself. Ezekiel, under God’s instructions, then prophesies and the bones come together. He is again urged to prophesy and breath enters the bones.
Despite this hopeless situation, however, God will bring the exiles back to the land of Israel – “I will settle you in your land” (37:14). These words (v14) clearly indicate that the LORD is speaking of Israel’s national restoration. Therefore, a clear parallel can be drawn between Israel’s hopeless situation and people affected by HIV and Aids and who are experiencing despair and hopelessness.
It is important to understand that God in his love and faithfulness restores hope to his people. And sometimes the restoration is experienced only when there is no spark of hope left. This passage can energise us to tap from the hope that springs from God’s fountain of love for his people.
May we take strength in God who restores people unconditionally. Thus, despite our human disposition, God intervenes to bring peace, healing and restoration.
To think about (or discuss): For whom can you open a window of hope? How can you do this?
Author: V Magezi
Language: English