Submitted by Visitor (not verified) on Fri, 20/05/2011 – 16:16
Year A (2010-2011)
Bible Book: 1 Peter / 1 Petrus
Chapter: 2
Verse: 2 – 10
Verse 4 is offering us a gracious invitation. Come to Jesus, Peter invites his readers. Come and become living stones!
Who are the people included in this remarkable invitation? According to 1:1 they are exiles (RSV) or strangers (AV) in this world. In 1:17 Peter reminds them that their lives on earth are like those of foreigners. In 2:11 he calls them “aliens and exiles” (RSV) or “strangers and pilgrims” (AV). Verse 4:4 says that the unbelievers do not understand their way of living.
These people whom the world holds in such low esteem are invited by Peter to become living stones in God’s house. Contrary to other people’s opinions of them, they are meant to be “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people” (2:9).
The reason why Peter is so confident when he invites these exiles to become living stones in God’s spiritual house, is the example of what happened to Jesus. Jesus was despised and rejected by the leaders of his nation. He was a man of sorrows and He was acquainted with grief. Some even looked away from Him in disgust. (Compare Is 53:3.)
However, contrary to the ideas and opinions of the world, He is indeed God’s chosen and precious cornerstone (verse 6). Jesus was rejected by men but elected by God. This is what the story of the cross and resurrection proves.
So the question is not: What do people think of me? Am I stigmatised? Or even: What do I think of myself? Do I stigmatise myself? The question is: What does God see when He looks at me?
The same applies to others. It is not: What do I (or others) think of my brother or sister? The question is: How does God esteem him or her?
When we come to Jesus so that we can be built into God’s spiritual house we accept that God’s esteem of us and our brothers and sisters overrules the world’s opinion.
To think about (or discuss): Are there times or situations in your life when the opinions of people prevent you from responding to God’s invitations?
Author: N du Toit (Ds)
Language: English