Submitted by Jan on Tue, 25/03/2014 – 14:12
Year A (2013-2014)
Bible Book: John / Johannes
Chapter: 9
Verse: 1 – 41

The text in John is filled with possible areas to focus on; the healing of a man; the fact that it happened on the Sabbath, the question of the disciples who try and link the man’s blindness to sin, the investigation of the Pharisees, the whole complicated issue of how this man learnt to see and also how Jesus leads us to see in new ways.

But, to a trained nurse, and probably to all who hold “modern” healthcare views, this text is quite a challenge!

I remember doing dressings after eye operations; carefully scrubbing my hands and nails, opening a sterile dressing pack, donning sterile gloves, making sure that every cleaning fluid and salve I used remains clear of contamination, following a carefully prescribed procedure to ensure sterility and avoid any possibility of infection.

Then I read what Jesus did. He spat “on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man’s eyes.” Joh. 9:6 (NIV)

My nurse’s sensibility cringes! I can just imagine all the bacteria and physical impurities introduced into the sensitive eye area!

This is the Jesus who just told the listeners “For as long as I am in the world, there is plenty of light. I am the world’s Light.” Joh 9:5 (NIV)

But He bring light to this man’s eyes by smearing it with mud and saliva! He then sends the man to the pool, to wash, and to see!

Much has been written about the symbolism of Jesus healing this man using a ‘salve’ that He personally made and applied. Many reasons are given why Jesus acted in this way and did not only speak as He did on many other occasions. I am not sure if any of the explanations convince me.

But it is very clear that Jesus uses different methods than I am used to! It is clear that tools that I would have ignored can become powerful in the hands of Jesus.

It is clear that healing can happen in unorthodox, unsterile and even messy ways!

And I wonder which messy tools Jesus would like to use today.

To think about: What unnoticed or unusual resources may there be that your faith community can use in your HIV response?

Written by: Lyn van Rooyen, CABSA Director

Author: van Rooyen L (Ms)
Language: English