Peer Education for Young women 


Maranatha Retreat, March 2017

In response to recent research: “In sub-Saharan Africa, of which South Africa forms part of, there are about 8,600 new HIV infections among adolescent girls and young women every week.” 1.…/…/gfo/304/English/GFO-Issue-304.pdf  CABSA therefore decided to address this by having a peer education training for young women between the ages of 18-24 years.

The peer education training was thought provoking on both training team and participants as the challenges are real for this age group. Their worldview was challenged throughout the training regarding people living with HIV. Condoms was also quite interesting for this all female group, as some have not heard of the female condom before.

Here are some random comments from the participants:

  • “I was especially blessed to see how scripture became so relevant to our everyday life through the guiding principles”
  • “I have grown to understand the pain people go through because of stigma.”
  • “I now understand HIV better especially ARV’s.”
  • “The highlight was to learn how HIV is transmitted and how to use the condoms and even how to check them.”