Bible Book: Matthew / Matteus
Chapter: 5
Verse: 1
Verse (to): 12

Text: Matthews 5:1-12

[The following prayer has been copied from “WM05 – Connecting with the World Church, November 2006”. A Publication of the Church of Scotland. The document can be downloaded from: ]
  Blessed are the poor in spirit…
Bless those living with HIV and AIDS, and all who face life-threatening illnesses, with a vision of their eternal worth.
Blessed are those who mourn…
Bless those who grieve in the AIDS crisis for past or future loss; comfort partners, parents, friends, families and those anticipating their own death.
Blessed are the meek…
Bless those whose confidence is shattered by a positive HIV test with a fresh appreciation for their bodies, their lives, and for the beauty of this world.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness…
Bless those who seek justice for people living with HIV and include us among them.
Blessed are the merciful…
Bless all who research treatments and those who offer care; bless loved ones who stand alongside the living and the dying, that they may be strengthened by your Spirit.
Blessed are the pure in heart…
Bless all who seek to find you in their lives. May they discover the Spirit within themselves, see you in the faces of those who love them and feel your healing touch in those who hold them.
Blessed are the peacemakers…
Bless all who work to reconcile with church and society those who experience stigma and discrimination – racial, sexual or cultural – because of HIV and AIDS.
Adapted from a prayer quoted on
© Diakonia Council of Churches in South Africa, 1999
Author: (Unknown)
Language: English