Submitted by Jan on Tue, 06/01/2015 – 09:59
Year B (2014-2015)
Bible Book: Acts / Handelinge
Chapter: 19
Verse: 1 – 17

The book of Acts tells us about the challenges and growth of the early Jesus movement, highlighting the power and work of the Holy Spirit. Here in chapter 19 we see Paul in Ephesus, encountering some disciples. When asked whether they had received the Holy Spirit, they respond, “No, we have not even heard there is a Holy Spirit.” Once they had been baptized in Jesus’ name, and had received a laying on of hands, they prophesied and spoke in tongues.

As powerful and promising as God’s Spirit is, it seems to move best when people acknowledge its presence and openly share it with others. When we avoid one another or segregate ourselves into closed groups, we miss opportunities for the movement of God’s healing, loving Spirit. Paul inquired about these disciples’ lives and faith. He asked them about what they had received. He shared what he knew and what he had received. He spent time with them and offered them his presence and his touch. These important actions led to new possibilities for these disciples and for their community.

We are also called to share the Spirit! When we reach out to one another, share information and offer care, the Spirit moves and fills us in many ways. Voices are strengthened. God’s words of wholeness and love are shared. The promise we have received through Jesus is a promise we are called to share. The power of God’s Holy Spirit can create relationships, renew hearts, and transform lives. The gift of the Spirit is a gift of hope. It is a gift of community. It is a gift of peace. When we share that gift with one another – fearlessly and generously – the Spirit moves among us and we are restored.

To Think About: Where can you share the Spirit today?

Written By: Jeff Moore. St. Louis, Missouri, USA (Trained Churches Channels of Hope Facilitator)

Author: Moore J (Dr)
Language: English