A message for the week starting on Sunday 31 October 2021
Lectionary Week: Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost
Prescribed Texts: Ruth 1:1-18, Psalm 146, Hebrews 9:11-14, Mark 12: 28-34
So, Can We Trust Humanity?
Focus Text: Psalm 146
We have been looking to the medical fraternity for answers with regards to the Covid-19 pandemic, whilst some have opted to put their focus on just about anything else. This seems to be the plight of humanity when disaster strikes, no matter the origin or the intent. The need to find someone or something to blame, seems at times to far outweigh the need to find answers and solutions.
One of our guiding principles is to find answers and solutions through the power of the Holy Spirit. The Psalmist points out the frailty of life, that both the lives of the trusted and the trusting, soon come to an end. Verse 2 points to an end date,” . . . for as long as I shall live.” This talks about the person who is trusting, at least while on earth. We see the same in verse 4 regarding the trusted, stating that they will return to earth i.e., they will also die.
The Psalmist then reminds us to put our trust in God alone, The One who brings deliverance, healing, and freedom from social oppression. He is The One that sees to the needs of the poor.
At first glance at the text, it seems that we must not trust humanity and that God will come from heaven to attend to our needs. This is not necessarily a precise interpretation of the text. We understand that God also uses human agents to see to the needs of others, as we are co-workers of Christ.
The Church, the government, the medical fraternity, family and friends, to mention just a few, are all channels through which the grace of God is flowing.
So, the question remains:” To trust, or not to trust?” My humble opinion would be, “Let us trust God to work His purpose and acts of grace and kindness through people around us.”
To think about: Do I allow God to govern my attitude towards others, so I can become more trustworthy and dependable? Do we trust in God, who gives wisdom to the medical and science fraternity with regards to vaccines?
Written By: Rev Clive Swartz, former CABSA Program Coordinator and Churches Channels of Hope (CCoH) Facilitator