Submitted by Jan on Tue, 31/01/2017 – 10:18
Fifth Sunday after the EpiphanyYear A (2016-2017)
Bible Book: 1 Corinthians
Chapter: 2
Verse: 1 – 12
I have often wondered at what makes Christians different from the rest of the world and I was excited to see some of the answers to this question in what Paul says. He further gives an example of himself, in how he relates with people and in different settings.
First, he shows us in this passage that when he first met the Corinthians, he did not show off his vast education and great knowledge. Rather, he relied on the power of the Holy Spirit to lead and guide him in what he said. He realised that his clever speeches were not necessary in that setting. Then he says when he is among more mature believers, he speaks with words of wisdom from God, as befitting the situation and the people.
To know what to say and how to say it in different settings is wisdom. And that makes us different already.
Paul further shows us a very interesting play between this godly wisdom and the mysteries of God. That the world does not understand certain things, even rulers, yet God has unfolded God’s mysteries to us, we can know and understand the things God has prepared for those who love God. That baffles the world!
Have you ever tried to imagine how a mother can forgive a person who has murdered her son, and even reach out to them with God’s love; how a teenager forgives those who constantly laugh and ridicule them….any situation, and I am sure we know of many such examples, where it does not make sense at all how a person who loves the Lord reacts in a bad situation. Not only that, think of Solomon’s wisdom when he ruled, and how even today, there is great wisdom found in some of the most difficult situations faced by people.
So as Christians, can we ever say we know it all or enough? Can we say we have reached a place where we are content and need nothing further? No. God is always unfolding God’s mysteries to us, so there is no end to what we can learn in God, there is no end to the wisdom we can share with the world because God keeps teaching, showing and revealing to us God’s hidden mysteries. And how wonderful it is, to be so favoured. No matter how long we have served in God’s house, we will keep marveling at God’s great faithfulness and the things God reveals to us.
And this makes us different. We have fresh answers to questions, that are unique and difficult, to situations that others may have given up on; all when we remain in God’s wisdom. So we do not have to copy the world in what it does, or how it does it, we have the mind of Christ.
So how about we use this wisdom to challenge injustice around us, to speak out against acts of violence, all forms of stigma and discrimination, to restore humanity and dignity, to provoke one another to good works, to show each other love, respect, acceptance and appreciation, to step out where no one dares. The Lord is with us, and his wisdom guides us. May we not be afraid to be different.
To Think About / Discuss: Do you rely on the Holy Spirit to help you in different situations and settings? Are you afraid to be different especially where there is injustice? How can God’s wisdom and guidance be released through you as you serve in God’s kingdom wherever God has placed you?
Written By: Ms. Minenhle Moyo; Churches, Channel of Hope’ Facilitator, Trainer & Community DeveloperAuthor: Moyo M (Ms)
Language: English